A Chronicle of Things I Love and Things I Make

Things I Love and Things I Make

Thursday, June 21, 2012

maeflydesign Giveaway!

Kim Davis at oh sweet joy! is featuring maeflydesign today with a giveaway of this Pisces necklace:

There is also a discount code, good for the life of the contest. She makes it super easy to enter many times! 
(Also, she is cute as a bug.)

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Quick Art Lesson for Kids

This video is so well done and both my boys wanted to watch it over and over. 

Talking points:
We talked about which paintings were self-portraits and how different they were from eachother. 
We talked about how artists' moods and age change the way they draw themselves.
We talked about how different the styles were, but all equally interesting and important.

Video credit: Philip Scott Johnson (eggman913 on youtube)

Monday, June 18, 2012

Same taste since 7th grade...

This is the first necklace I ever bought myself. 

It was the late 70's, 7th Grade, Spencers Gift Shop in the mall.(Anyone remember the stacked, plastic rainbow bangles? I had those, too.)

This is the most recent necklace I bought myself.
Courtesy of Stone & Honey.

I bought it because:
1. I love it and have coveted it for ages.
2. It works well with maeflydesign jewelry.
3. I've had the same taste (and "hairdo") since 7th grade.