A Chronicle of Things I Love and Things I Make

Things I Love and Things I Make

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Making Art with Kids

I've been spending a lot of time volunteering at my kids' school. We make special art projects with each class. These are ceramic bells made by kindergartners. Aren't they beautiful? 
Never underestimate the abilities of kids to make wonderful things with their hands. 

My Favorite Necklace

I made one of these for myself and I've worn it every day this winter. I decided to share the love and made them available in the shop. Treat yourself (or someone else you love) to some magic and click here!

Monday, March 5, 2012

"The Kandinsky Effect" Or: How my son, Sean, makes drawings

I love the way Kandinsky approaches painting.
My son, Sean, also "sees" rhythm when he draws. 
(He is also an excellent dancer.)

 "Improvisation 31 (Sea Battle)"

 "Painting on Light Ground"
